
EUASV Services - Validation of ACC3

Validation of ACC3

To become an ACC3, an airline which transports air cargo to or through the EU has to receive the approval from the Appropriate Authority. To do this, out stations need to be validated separately by a certified  EU Aviation Security Validator. When the airline meets all the requirements, a report will be made by the Aviation Security Validator, He will sent his report to the Appropriate Authority for an approval and the ACC3 designation can then be formalised with a registration in the EU database. ACC3 status will be granted for a period of 5 years. Within 5 years the ACC3 out stations must be revalidated by an EU Aviation Security Validator.

The validation services for the ACC3 will contain an assessment of the Security Program Manual of the airline together with the Local Security Procedures of the ground handling agent. After the assessment there will be an on-site verification using the validation checklist specified in the EU regulation 1082/2012. The validation report will be submitted to the appropriate authority within 30 days.

Validation of KC3 and RA3

EUASV Services - Validation of KC3 and RA3

The known consignor and/or the regulated agent third country (KC3 and RA3) can deliver secured  air cargo to the ACC3. This eliminates the mandatory screening which will lead to better air rates and will fasten the logistic operations.

The known consignor and/or the regulated agent third country (KC3 and RA3) must also be validated by an EU Aviation Security Validator. After validating a KC3 or RA3 will receive a report which then can to be adopted by the ACC3.

The validation services for the KC3 and the RA3 will contain an assessment of the Security Program Manual. After the assessment there will be an on-site verification using the validation checklist specified in the EU regulation 654/2013. The validation report will be submitted within 30 days.

Pre-validation advisory

The pre-validation security assessment will accelerate the actual validation and will prevent surprises during the official validation.

EUASV can perform a security assessment, reviewing whether or not all requirements are met to become a ACC3, RA3 or a KC3. This security assessment includes a verification of the security programme and could, if so desired, include an on-site verification. During the pre-validation security assessment, we will give you a clear idea on which procedures must be updated to be able to pass the validation.